Wednesday, May 4, 2022

ROBO-Message to THMS Families

Good afternoon, 

This message is to notify Troy Howard Middle School families that the school is now officially in outbreak status. Over the past two days, we have seen a dramatic increase in the illness rate at THMS. 

There have been 27 new positive cases of COVID, and 40 additional students/staff are symptomatic.  Symptoms reported include fever (both low grade and high), cough, sore or scratchy throat, nausea, headache, body aches, feeling tired, congestion, and runny or stuffy nose.  

Therefore, we will move to remote instruction for the remainder of the week. Students may return to school on Monday, May 9, 2022. 

We have learned from the CDC that the latest variant of COVID-19 has a much shorter incubation period. Individuals that have been exposed may develop symptoms within 24-48 hours.  If your child is not feeling well, please consider having them tested; we can accept PCR or home tests.  If you do not have a test at home, please call the school, and we can set up a time for you to come do a "drive-thru" test at THMS.  Be aware that we have seen individuals test negative one day and then positive the next, so please always monitor for continuing symptoms.  There are, of course, other illnesses around, so if your child is testing negative for COVID, consider reaching out to their PCP for an alternative diagnosis.  We have enough tests at school for the entire THMS community.
If you have any questions, please contact the at 338-3320.  Thank you.  


Mary Alice McLean
Superintendent RSU 71

Bruce Bailey 
THMS Principal

Alta Seeks
THMS Assistant Principal

Robyn Mailloux RN, BSN (she, her, hers)
THMS School Nurse

173 Lincolnville Ave
Belfast, ME 04915
207-338-3320 x305

Mary Alice McLean
Superintendent of Schools, RSU 71
(207) 338 - 1960