Friday, May 20, 2022

Pandemic Update Friday 5/20/22

Weekly Update May 20, 2022


Dear RSU 71 Students, Families, Staff, School Board, and Community Partners, 

End-of-Year activities are in full swing with only three weeks left of school and the high school graduation scheduled for Sunday, June 5. At THMS this morning, families are streaming in for student-led parent/teacher conferences. There is an enormous display of food from the food pantry at the entrance, to which families are welcome to help themselves. A book fair is also going on in the lobby, and the district's food service team is meeting in the cafeteria. And this afternoon, from 12 noon - to 4:00 pm, there will be a Plant Sale at the Greenhouse. The Eight-Grade Fancy Dance is scheduled for Saturday, May 28.

From Garden Coordinator Mr. David Wessels and the 7th-grade Crew:

Stop by THMS for some beautiful seedlings every Friday afternoon this month!!! 

-Everything is on a sliding scale (pay what you want) with a suggested donation of $2.50 for a 4" pot (tomatoes/herbs) and $3 for a 6-pack.

-We can't set aside orders because we don't have the space in our brains or our greenhouse! Please stop by at the sale if you want seedlings. 

-Seedlings are free for Elementary Schools! We will set aside seedlings for schools if you let us know what you need.

-We accept CHECK or CASH. 


Friday, 5/20 - Flowers, veggies, and herbs - We can still get a frost this week, so watch out!

Friday 5/27 - Flowers, veggies, and herbs - It should be safe to now plant tomatoes, peppers, and other frost-sensitive plants. 

Pandemic Update:

We had hoped to move to bi-weekly updates, but we still have positive coronavirus cases, so we have to continue reporting it. (THMS, for example, has had 200+ positive cases during the school year, with 106 occurring in the last twenty days; many infected people have become quite sick.) I have heard from two parents that they do not wish to hear the word "mask" or anything else about the coronavirus. While I fully commiserate with this sentiment, I am obliged to share the information. Please feel free to express your exasperation with me (but please don't take it out on our nurses). Many thanks in advance!

School Data as of today, Friday, May 20, 2022:

# New Positives / in isolation (day 0-5 not attending school)

Positives in days 6-10 (attending school, wearing a mask)

# Community Quarantine 






















2 (31 in past 

14 days)




Bus Garage/

Building &





RSU 71 Covid Protocol:

Because we are no longer Pooled Testing and do not require masking, our Covid exemptions have changed. However, the SOP (CDC's standard operating procedure) is still in effect through the last day of school. The protocol below has been devised to enable students and staff to attend school and our traditional end-of-year events and celebrations.

Below is the protocol for students and staff.

  1. Unvaccinated or Not Fully Vaccinated, Non-symptomatic Close Contacts of positive individuals may:

  1. Choose to quarantine at home on days 1-5 and upon return to school, wear a mask for days 6-10.



  1. Choose to test at home on days 1, 3, and 5. If tests are negative, students and staff can attend school with a mask and should quarantine while at home. Contact your school nurse if you need testing kits. You may also go onto to order free test kits.

        2. Symptomatic students and staff must stay home and contact 

the school nurse. Your school nurse will work with you to determine your 

course of action.

Definition of Fully Vaccinated:  

  • For all adults 18+, to be fully vaccinated means to have received all recommended doses of a COVID-19 vaccine that have been authorized or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and, if their primary vaccine series was completed more than five months ago,

 at least one booster. Being fully vaccinated for students  5-17 years means completing the primary series of COVID-19 vaccines.

With best wishes for a beautiful weekend and week ahead, 

Mary Alice McLean

Covid 19

Vaccination Clinic

Monday, May 23, 2022 12:00 - 4:00

Belfast Boat House

34 Commercial Street, Belfast

Offering 1st, 2nd, and both Pfizer and Moderna booster doses to all eligible adults.

Children 5-17 may be vaccinated with parental consent.

Note:  Booster doses for children 5-11 will not be available at this clinic.



This clinic is brought to you by  Belfast Fire & EMS Dept., Belfast Public Health Nursing, City of Belfast, Waldo County EMA, and the Maine CDC Division of Public Health Nursing.

Mary Alice McLean
Superintendent of Schools, RSU 71
(207) 338 - 1960