Friday, March 26, 2021

Weekly Update 3/26/21

Friday, March 26, 2021

Dear RSU 71 Students, Families, Staff, School Board and Community Members,

Happy Friday, Everybody!  

Next week is a sacred week in the Judeo-Christian tradition. Passover -- an eight-day festival -- commemorates Israelites' emancipation from slavery and begins tomorrow. In Christianity, next week is Holy Week, which begins on Palm Sunday (March 28) and ends on Easter Sunday, April 4. Warm wishes for meaningful import in the week ahead to everyone in our RSU 71 community and the observant of all faith traditions.  

Staff will receive this update at noon today, and families will receive it via Robo-email this afternoon.

Pandemic Update - This week, we have had an additional confirmed case of the coronavirus in an individual associated with Belfast Area High School. We are still in Green/In-Person mode in our five K-8 schools and the Yellow/Hybrid mode at BAHS and BCOPE. More and more staff are getting vaccinated and mostly finding the experience of the first of two shots a positive one. Many more young people are now contracting COVID-19, so vigilance around safety protocols continues to be very important. In Maine, all counties continue to be Green, though the case rate is higher than two weeks ago.  The six requirements for returning to in-person continue unabated in all Maine counties. As always, please feel free to be in touch with me, our nurses, and our administrators.

Allergies - Please read this helpful information from our school nurses about students who have allergies at this time of year. The symptoms of COVID-19 are often very similar to those experienced by people with allergies. If you have children in this situation, please fill out the form and return it to the nurses.  Thank you!

Maine Department of Education - This week, the DOE received documents from the US Department of Education that provide a summary of the American Rescue Plan (ARP Act), which authorizes a total of $411,303, 282.00 for Maine with a minimum of 90% ($370, 172, 954.00) directed to education.

Good News - Here are some good-news pieces -- articles, a video, and photos -- from the past week:

Coach Bryant -

Poetry Slam at CASS Starring Students!  (It starts 5.16 minutes into the video.)

Unified Basketball Team -


Softball and Baseball -


Cheer-Squads -



With warm wishes for a wonderful weekend and meaningful week ahead,      


      -Mary Alice


Mary Alice McLean
Superintendent of Schools, RSU 71
(207) 338 - 1960