Friday, August 27, 2021

Friday, August 27, 2021

Weekly Update - Friday, August 27, 2021 

Dear RSU 71 Students, Families, Staff, School Board, and Community Partners, 

Pandemic Update: School starts Monday for all students except those at the Captain Albert Stevens School, which will open on Tuesday, September 7th. We need to relocate the entire second story of the school, owing to flooding that occurred during torrential rain and wind that blew the tarps off the roofing project at CASS. CASS's Open House has been moved to next Friday, and a tour of the temporary space will be open for families to walk through and see.

We will begin the new school year much like we ended the last, with masks required for all students and staff in all settings, at least to start the year.

Parents Should Please Provide Masks - We were hopeful that we would not need to require masks in the new school year.  But because transmission rates are so high, we do need to require masks for everyone. In the news, many of you may have seen that Maine schools that left mask-wearing optional have already been required to close and move remote education. We have masks on order for students whose families are not able to supply masks for their children. All the other safety protocols that were in place last year will continue to be in place as we start the new school year, except for social distancing. While we will do our best to maintain a 3-feet distance between people, it will be even more critical for all our students to be in school in person.

RSU 71 Guidelines for Covid-19 Prevention may be found in its entirety here and on the district website.  RSU 71 Guidelines for COVID-19 Prevention in Our K-12 Schools

Good News: Our fabulous district family of staff members was back at work all this past week, and there were many Open Houses held, which I very much enjoyed attending.

I will send a weekly update beginning today, just like last year. In the meantime, please feel free to be in touch with administrators, nurses, and me, with questions, ideas, suggestions, and feedback.

Warm wishes for enjoyment, good health, and fun times in these last weeks of summertime in Maine!

Mary Alice

Mary Alice McLean
Superintendent of Schools, RSU 71
(207) 338 - 1960

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