Friday Update May 21, 2021
Dear RSU 71 Students, Families, Staff, School Board and Community Partners,
I hope that this week has been a positive one for you and yours. I will share this weekly update with staff members and the school board at noon. This afternoon it will be Robo-messaged by Dr. Dave Fournier to families and posted on the district website and my blog.
Pandemic Update - We held vaccination clinics at Troy Howard Middle School and Belfast Area High School this week. Medical staff members from PCHC were on hand to do the inoculations and monitor student reactions. At THMS, 81 vaccinations were administered, while at BAHS, 101 students were vaccinated. The process was extremely well-organized, and students experienced no adverse impacts. Many thanks to the Penobscot Community Health Center, who provided and administered the vaccine, along with providing medical personnel to monitor student well-being during and after the shot. The second dose of the coronavirus vaccine will be administered to the same students on June 7 and June 8.
Waldo County is Still GREEN - In today's color-coded risk level of community transmission from the Maine CDC, community transmission continues to be designated low-risk. Our schools are considered suitable for in-person instruction. Since the pandemic began, there has been no disease transmission in any of our schools and locations.
- At the Kermit Nickerson School, there have been no positive coronavirus cases in any students or staff members associated with the school.
- At East Belfast, there have been 2 students and zero adults who have tested positive.
- At Ames - 1 positive student
- Weymouth - 1 positive student
- CASS - 3 students, 1 staff member
- THMS - 11 students, 1 staff
- BAHS/BCOPE - 11 students, 3 adults
- Central Office - no cases
- Adult Ed - no cases
- Bus Garage - no cases
Required Safety Protocols - The United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has changed its guidance regarding wearing masks and social distancing. Maine CDC follows suit, though school safety protocols in public schools have not yet been lifted or changed.
Pool Testing - In the new school year 2021 - 2022, we will be able to lift the safety requirement that all students must maintain three feet of social distance apart from one another if thirty percent of our school population participates in "pool testing." I will soon share more information about what pool testing would entail. We know that we want to welcome back all our remote and homeschool students in the fall and have BAHS be open for in-person instruction for all students every day of the week. Pool testing could enable us to do that. On Monday, we will be applying for American Recovery Act funds to hire a Pool Testing Nurse Coordinator for the 2021 - 2022 school year. We will be surveying families in early June to gather information about this past year, including parent-guardian thoughts about in-person learning in the coming school year. The RSU 71 Task Force to Safely Reopen Schools has reconvened to share thoughts, and the RSU 71 School Board will discuss plans for next year at the first meeting in June. Stay tuned!
Troy Howard Middle School - Staff and students have received guidance and support to help manage the blow to our community caused by the death of an eighth-grade student last week. She was new to our district this year, so we focus much of this support on eighth-grade students and staff. Other Maine school districts where the student had been to school are also absorbing the impact of this loss. The medical examiner has not yet officially identified the cause of death. We have had daily Crisis Team meetings, staff meetings, and check-in and support for eighth-grade students and staff in particular. A Parent Night (optional) has been scheduled for an evening next week on Wednesday, May 26 at 6:00 pm on ZOOM; Greg Marley from NAMI Maine (National Association for Medical Illness) will be on hand to share information about helping students experiencing a tragic loss. Visiting hours were yesterday at the Riposta Funeral Home, and teachers did a great job covering for one another. Administrators and counselors from other RSU 71 schools pitched in, for which we are grateful. Parents of students who wished to attend accompanied their children to the event, and we are also grateful for that assistance.
In the News -
BAHS Students' Work in the World -
Track and Field -
Student Journalism at CASS -
That's it for this week. As always, please feel free to reach out to our staff and me with questions, ideas, and feedback.
With warm wishes for strength, spirit, health, and support in meeting life challenges during this pandemic.
- Mary Alice