Friday, November 19, 2021

RSU 71 Weekly Update: Friday 11/19/21

Friday, November 19, 2021

Dear RSU 71 Students, Families, Staff, School Board, and Community Partners, 

Here's this week's summary of pandemic data and information, as well as good news and information from our schools and departments. Next week is Thanksgiving, and so we have just two days of school. So after today, the next weekly update will be sent on Friday, December 3.

COVID-19 Pandemic Data and Information

Special Request - As our collective patience with the coronavirus wears thin, the fabric holding our community together develops tears and holes. Parents, caregivers, and staff are asked to be sure not to take out their frustration on our fabulous school nurses; they did not invent the pandemic or its mitigation strategies. If, for example, a child needs to quarantine, it is natural to experience exasperation and even anger. Please do not "shoot the messenger" or take it out on our nurses. I appreciate any help you can provide. The truth is that we in RSU 71 are blessed with a generally very supportive cadre of parents, guardians, grandparents, caregivers, students, staff, and school board. Let's continue to be mindful about messaging while also feeling free to articulate our divergent perspectives in respectful ways. Please know that everyone in RSU 71 should always feel free to ask questions, express concerns, and share ideas and feedback with staff and me.

Data - Here's the data from this past week, Friday, November 12, at 9:00 am through today at 9:00 am.

# Positives

# Quarantined

% Staff Vaccination

and Student Vaccination 

# Signed up for Pooled Testing (students and staff)



4(out of school)





2 (CC @ home)




1 New 

2 from last week

20 (out of school, and

9 In school)





33 students

1 staff










12 out of school

31 in school

88% staff

53% students ages 12 and up, 36% all students





88.2% staff 


Pooled Testing Update- A reminder that there will not be any pooled testing next week.  From the Maine DOE and Concentric:  "During the week of Thanksgiving, November 22-26, because the schedule cycle for test and follow-up will be interrupted, Pooled Testing will not be conducted or collected in any Maine schools. This means that the week following the break (November 29 - December 3), anyone who is unvaccinated and identified as a close contact from a school exposure who is also a current pooled testing participant would need to either be quarantined or be tested twice (on separate days) using an antigen test (BinaxNOW) so long as they remain asymptomatic and then resume the normal pooled testing schedule."


Troy Howard is hosting an RSU 71 Vaccine Clinic Today at School from 11:45 am - 3:30 pm.


For folks who could not get to THMS today, please know that there will be a pop-up clinic on Monday, November  22, from 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm at Unity Barn Raisers, 32 School Street in Unity. We will have vaccines and boosters for all approved ages, that is to say, five and up.  For more information, folks can contact Lawrence Reichard at 415-565-9867.


Positive Case? If your child tests positive, parents and caregivers should please call all the community programs their children attend, such as the Waldo Y. (The school system cannot share that information.) 

Good News and Information

Belfast Area High School and BCOPE (Belfast Community Outreach Program in Education)

Help Needed - BAHS is looking for help with our Booster Club. We need people to write grants, run fundraisers, coordinate volunteers, staff our concession stand, bring ideas, and support our teams. Please get in touch with Mr. Battani if you would like to get involved.

Festival of Trees - The annual Festival of Trees to benefit Project Graduation Class of 2022 is coming right up!


Marine Studies - Here's an article about exciting learning activities in Marine Studies.

Marine Studies at BAHS

 Troy Howard Middle School

Art Enrichment - Kathie Gass shares that: Art Enrichment will take a virtual field trip to the Center for Maine Contemporary Art in Rockland next Wednesday. They will be meeting with CMCA Staff to tour the exhibits live via zoom. And Doorways, an exhibition of miniature installations, is currently on display at the Belfast Free Library. Inspired by the "Tiny Doors" exhibit around the town of Belfast, THMS 8th graders created these multi-media sculptures of doorways to express ideas and stories important to each artist.  

Doorways, an exhibit by 8th grade Art Enrichment

THMS Eighth Grader the Nutcracker! - THMS 8th graders will be visiting the Camden Opera House on Thursday, December 2nd, to watch our very own Emma Dietz perform the role of the Sugar Plum Fairy in The Nutcracker Ballet!

One-to-One Devices - Melinda Larrabee (Tech Integrator) has been helping our 7th and 8th graders with the exciting process of trading their old Chromebooks in for their new MLTI (Maine Learning Technology Initiative) 1-to-1 devices this week.  Here are some basics of this new device to help enforce the expectations:

1. It is a touchscreen. Only FINGERS should be used on the screen; no pencils, pens, erasers, etc. Gentle touches, please. 

2. The device can be removed from the case to use as a tablet, but I strongly encourage kids to use it as it is provided to them inside the case. The case unzips, and the device can be used inside the case. Devices do need to travel inside the provided case. 

3. Any and all stickers must remain intact on the device; no peeling them off, no coloring on them, no stickering them, etc. 

4. All previous rules apply: Computer Rules and Expectations Middle School

Captain Albert Stevens Elementary School 

Innovation at CASS - From Principal Widmer: A group of CASS teachers signed on to do extra work with Tanglewood director Jessica Decke and STEM specialist Hannah Raymond over the past summer. The work is funded through a grant from the state to promote innovative approaches to teaching and learning. Our innovation focused on integrated learning, where the traditional school subjects overlap and intermesh. For example, the fifth grade combines their reading, writing, social studies, and science, using themes to tie together the subjects. Having seen this work in action several times in the fifth-grade classrooms, I've been impressed with the students' enthusiasm and the teachers' dedication to making it work; new approaches are never easy, especially during a pandemic! This evening this group of sixteen teachers and educators meets with the Tanglewood staff to celebrate the successes and begin to think about the next steps. Sharing part of my update as a Haiku. I'm calling the poem  Endure:

Fierce waves of Covid

Crash upon our shore again

Full moon! Tide will ebb 

Belfast Adult Education

The Learning Center has received the first of three Promethean smart boards for the classroom areas.  These devices are the most recent addition to the program's technology and digital inventory and were selected to take existing program learning technologies to the next level.  Access to and experience with such technological tools as these boards, digital drawing tablets, document cameras, and computers will assist our learners in their preparation for their future academic or workforce needs.

Special Services Department

Students at the Ames Elementary school in Ms. Howe's 2nd-grade classroom had an opportunity to work with Vicky Terpoorten, OTR/L, one of our district's fantastic occupational therapists.  She worked with the entire 2nd classroom with the  "Size Matters" handwriting programming the district has adopted.    

Custodial/Maintenance Department - Beverly Kelley, The Custodian at Gladys Weymouth, leaves RSU 71 on November 30th after nine years of service to the staff and students.  All will miss Bev!

Curriculum Development - Grade 3 teachers worked collaboratively to review the newest Social Studies standards and discuss learning in grade 3.  The latest standards are rigorous as students understand, identify, and explain concepts around Civics and Government, Geography, History and Personal Finance, Economics, and Global Connections.  These newest standards will go into effect during the Fall of 2022 upon Board approval.  

If you are interested in reviewing any K-12 curriculum, you can find it on our district website.  Curriculum and Instruction 


With warm wishes for many moments of happiness, comfort, and joy this Thanksgiving, 


Mary Alice

Mary Alice McLean
Superintendent of Schools, RSU 71
(207) 338 - 1960

Friday, November 12, 2021

Weekly Update - F 11/12/21

Friday, November 12, 2021

Dear RSU 71 Students, Families, Staff, School Board, and Community Partners,   

This past week included Veterans Day, a federal holiday to honor those who have served in the United States Armed Forces. In our family, that includes my husband and father.

Pandemic Update

Pooled Testing Program - We are launched in all eleven schools and locations: BAHS, BCOPE, THMS, CASS, Ames, Weymouth, East, Nickerson, Adults Education, Bus Garage, Central Office. Here is a video of Nurse Johndro and her daughter; it shows how pooled testing works. Click on the blue link here to watch. Pooled Testing at CASS   It's never too late to sign up for pooled testing.  There will be no testing the week of Thanksgiving.  

Vaccination Clinics -  We are excited to partner with PCHC to offer COVID vaccines for students K-12 and booster doses for eligible staff. Clinic dates are Friday 11/19 (dose #1) and Friday 12/10 (dose #2). Both clinics will run from 12:30-3:30 pm at THMS. Students will need to attend both dates to be fully vaccinated. Please see our website home page for vaccine consent forms and additional information: if parents and students need transportation to come to the clinics, please let your school nurse know. If interested, please download, complete, and return this form to your school nurse by Monday, November 15.

Winter Sports and Performing Arts - Click on the blue link to see the plan for winter sports, the fall musical, and winter concerts. The document reflects the collaboration of mid-coast superintendents and RSU 71 nurses, athletic directors, principals, and school board. Winter Sports/Performing Arts

Data - Here's a summary of this week's data from Friday, November 5 at 9:00 am through Friday, November 12 at 9:00 am:

# Positives

# Quarantined

% Staff Vaccination

and Student Vaccination 

# Signed up for Pooled Testing (students and staff)



45 out of school





4 out of school

2  in school - found as part of pooled testing

93% staff



1 (found in pooled testing)

5 in school

5 out of school 






91.3% staff









1 out of school

88% staff

53% of students ages 12 and older (36% all students)






88.2 staff

59.2 students



Good News and Information

Central Office - Please encourage people you may know to apply as RSU 71 Executive Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent and Board of Directors. Mrs. Christine Guerette is going back to school to finish her degree; we thank her for her service and wish her the best! We are looking to replace her with another administrative assistant experienced in public education and, ideally, in working with superintendents and school boards.

Curriculum - October was a busy month for our students and teachers.  K-11 students participated in the fall NWEA (NorthWest Education Association) assessments.  These assessments are adaptive and provide insight for both students and teachers into skills that students are strong and confident and skills they will need to practice more. In addition, students and teachers will use the data to set goals for the next few months of learning.  Winter assessments will take place in late January. Teachers will review and revise the social studies standards/curriculum this year based on the Maine Learning Results.  Kindergarten, first grade, and second-grade teachers have met (virtually) to discuss the standards and create a map for implementation for the 2022/2023 school year. The finalized curriculum will go to the Board of Directors for approval next spring.  

Professional Development - Grades 4/5 and 6-8 teachers participated in Math Professional Development this afternoon with facilitators Cheryl Tobey and Becky Tapley.  This group is also building their understanding of fluency and shifting their instruction to match these new ideas.  

Captain Albert Stevens School 

Repair from Flood Damage - We are getting closer to the library reopening, the last big move in our return from the water damage over the summer. We would like to recognize the patience and creativity of our library staff, Kristen Byrer and Kristy Raymond. We would also like to thank the Belfast Free Library and their children's librarian Stephanie Holman, who have exceeded expectations in accommodating us while our library is under renovation. Unfortunately, Mrs. Martell is also displaced for a while longer, as are the fourth and fifth resource room students and staff. It has been difficult for staff members who have had to relocate, but these folks have shown impressive resilience in dealing with this situation. Although Mrs. Martell has been without her office this school year, this has diminished neither her enthusiasm nor her ability to serve the needs of our student body, which she does with grace, tact, and energy. 

CRT Activities - On Friday, November 3rd, the CASS Civil Rights Team enjoyed joining Civil Rights Teams across the state in celebrating the 3rd Annual Day of Welcome. "A wonderful opportunity to celebrate and promote that our school communities are for everyone," according to Governor Janet Mills

CASS Staff Ride the Bus with Students - CASS staff have started riding school buses in the morning to

greet children. This week Mr. Hoffmann, Ms. Brita, and Mrs. Reynolds rode Ms. Deb's bus! 

CASS Students at Belfast Free Library -  Library-Media Specialist Kristen Byrer has shared two photos of third-graders enjoying a picnic lunch after checking out books at the BFL.  We are traveling down to the BFL three times this fall while our CASS library is under construction.  Students could sign up for a new library card if they needed one to borrow books, meet our new Children's Librarian, Stephanie Homan, and deepen connections with their community library.  We are having a great time! 


Troy Howard Middle School 

Unified Arts - With the beginning of the 2nd quarter, students' Unified Arts classes: technology education, theater arts, visual arts, and world language/Spanish, have rotated. In addition, students participate in general music one day each week.

Mr. Wainer shares that band lessons (for students who would like them) are in full swing. The THMS music department has been busy issuing instruments, folders, and music to students and getting these kiddos playing instruments and singing again! ( lots and lots of kiddos!)

The Thrive Team - Teacher Kathie Gass shares that The Thrive Team at THMS has grown from the Belfast Reduce, Refuse, Reuse, and Recycle (BRRR) begun at CASS, THMS and now in place at AMES Elementary (ARRR). The team works to build awareness of our environment, its value, needs, and human impact. Students at THMS have engaged in several actions to create positive change in their school community, including successfully lobbying to stop using plastic cutlery, transforming an annual garden into one that features pollinator-friendly perennials, making and selling Bee Friendly signs. Currently, students are developing educational and inspirational public announcements and studying the district's history of commitment to the environment. 

Announcing the Thrive Team 2021-22 Leadership Team: 

President: Sam Potter 

Co-Pres: Caroline Wisniewski

Secretary: Katie Bitely

Co-Secretary: Lily Martinelli

Treasurer: Ibis Bird

Co-Treasurer: Clair Gilchrist

Congratulations and Thanks to Technology Integrator Melinda Larrabee  - AthenaHealth, Twelve Consulting Group, through a philanthropic program called Empowering Leaders, recently selected our school to receive a $1,000 donation towards technology programs and resources. We look forward to sharing more about how this is benefitting our school soon!

Civil Rights Team Co-Facilitator Miriam Lobo - invites interested students to join the group right after school on Monday. "The time is always right to do what is right." - Martin Luther King.

Winter Sports - Our winter sports season is set to begin; however, we are still looking for one more 7th grade coach. We have pretty good numbers of 7th and 8th graders already signed up for basketball tryouts on 11/15 and 11/16. For more information, see our THMS Athletics Webpage.

Belfast Area High School 

Musical - Come see the BAHS Fall Musical!       


Winter Sports Tryouts Begin November 22nd - This winter, we will offer five competitive sports: basketball, cheer, indoor track and field, swimming, and wrestling. In addition to these, we are offering non-competitive extracurricular activities to help students stay fit and active throughout the winter, including the BAHS Outing Club and weekly downhill ski/snowboarding trips to the Camden Snow Bowl. Preseason matchups commence the following week, and the first league contests are scheduled to start on December 10th. Permission forms, medical requirements, etc., can be found on the athletics webpage:

Contact Matt Battani at if you have any questions.

Waldo County Technical Center - It is awesome observing students actively engaged in applied learning in their culinary arts, building construction, and welding technology programs at WCTC. RSU 71 welcomes Mr. Rick Amero, the new Director of WCTC!

That's it for this week. This update will be emailed to staff, the school board, and community partners, and Robo-sent to all families this afternoon. Please feel free to be in touch with the staff and me with questions, ideas, concerns, and feedback.

With warm wishes for good health, deep engagement, feelings of fulfillment, and tons of fun this weekend and in the week ahead,  


Mary Alice

Mary Alice McLean
Superintendent of Schools, RSU 71
(207) 338 - 1960