Friday, September 24, 2021

Weekly Update for Friday, September 24, 2021

Friday, September 24, 2021

Dear RSU 71 Student, Families, Staff, School Board and Community Partners, 

September is one of the most beautiful months in Maine. It is officially autumn this week,  the calendar affirming what we see and feel: brisk fresh air, the roster of fall sports in full swing, and foliage tinting into shades of orange, red, and gold.

The fall musical at BAHS will be Rent, directed by THMS teacher Jason Bannister. Many thanks to him and the many teachers, coaches, and administrators who continue to enable a wide selection of co-and-extra-curricular activities -- despite the coronavirus -- to keep our students actively engaged and learning in fun ways! We have 20 BAHS and THMS students involved with the fall musical. They rehearse four times per week, with opening night scheduled for November 12. Written by Jonathan Larson, Rent is a Tony Award and Pulitzer Prize-winning musical that played for twelve years on Broadway. Here is a photo of a rehearsal:


Pandemic Update:

Data - Here is this week's coronavirus pandemic data:

# positives

# quarantined

% staff vaccination 






















2 - still in outbreak status, 5 current and 2 new







Pooled Testing Update - We thank you for your continued patience.  We have discovered many challenges with the start-up of the online portion of this program.  Please know that many other districts are experiencing similar frustrations.  We want to ensure that it goes as smoothly as possible as we launch our pooled testing program.  For this reason, we will delay our start date to ensure all of the kinks are worked out.  So far in RSU 71, we have received consent forms for 363 individuals. We are looking forward to getting the program up and running as soon as possible. Please stay tuned for more information from your child's school. We have lots of information about the Pooled Testing Program -- and a video showing how it is done -- on our district website:

Important Reminders to all Staff, Students, and Families about the RSU 71 COVID-19 Prevention Plan

RSU #71 Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention in our K-12 Schools Approved 8_23_2021.pdf

  1. Please do symptom screening every day before coming into the schools; stay home if you are sick and symptomatic. (Please refer to the Pre-Screening Tool for School Attendance on page 6 of the Prevention Plan by clicking the blue link above.)

  2. Please call the school if your child is staying home due to being ill or symptomatic.

  3. Remember that we have a layered approach to coronavirus prevention. Each intervention strategy is imperfect; multiple layers improve success rates:

Good News and Information

Captain Albert Stevens School - Click the blue link below to see an excellent article about the Adventure School at the United Farmers Market; it is a testament to the beautiful community partnerships that benefit the students at CASS and other schools in RSU 71. The last day at UMF was last Friday, and though it was a fun adventure, staff and students are very happy to all be back home at CASS. Captain Albert Stevens students were able to attend in-person classes during trying times of the repair work at the school. There were many hoops to jump through to get the school and the temporary Farmers Market locations up and running. Thanks to Cindy Rumney, Richard Christensen, Lisa Rediker, Scott Packard, Travis McAvoy, and Derek Hustus.  Job well done! The ServPro team and H.T. Winters contractors exhibited outstanding professionalism and met all our expectations.  There is still much work to be done before we are at 100%, but we have the best people on it."

Troy Howard Middle School - This week's outdoor Open House was very successful. It was well-attended by families and staff stationed around the grounds sharing conversation, information, and delicious fruits of this years' bounteous harvest from the THMS gardens. There was a lot of produce from the gardens for families to take home, too, as well as a "Sharing Shed" newly painted by students and chock-a-block full of canned goods and other non-perishable food items.  There was a strong feeling of community on a beautiful evening.

On Tuesday, Mr. Coombs and Ms. Conway-Cole's ELA classes started writing "Seedsavers Poems" in the garden. THMS students were observed using five senses note-taking. The garden is full of pollinators and gorgeous blooms.

Belfast Adult Education - From Dr. Darrell Gilman, Director - "Belfast Adult Education opened the fall semester with several new learners who wish to work on either the high school diploma or high school equivalency testing program. Eleven learners have joined our diploma program this fall. Six learners have enrolled in the Equivalency testing program since September first. Three learners earned their equivalency diplomas over the summer. The program has also reinstituted The English Language Learner program. General enrichment enrollments are up significantly. The program is pleased to announce that academic tutors are now available to assist classroom instructors with additional support for learners." 

Professional Development - Based on district data, one of our Comprehensive Needs goals is to increase teacher instructional math strategies as a way of better supporting student achievement in math.  K-8 math teachers will be working with Cheryl Tobey and Becky Tapley from the Maine Math and Science Alliance this year.  Teachers will work with an instructor seven times throughout the school year as they focus on professional learning experiences, building a common language around concepts of mathematical fluency and mathematical practices. There will also be time to continue work on grade-level curriculum-specific materials, planning, and assessments.  This work takes place on early release Fridays.  

Wellness Committee - This RSU 71 Wellness Committee met for the first time this year.  It consists of teachers, nurses, parents, student representatives, board members, and administrators.  The Wellness Committee serves as an advisory committee to the School Board regarding student wellness issues and makes recommendations related to the wellness policy, wellness goals, administrative or school regulations and practices, and raising awareness of student health issues.  The committee is working to identify 1or more goals for the district, and a survey will be shared asking for community, family, student, and staff input.  

Maintenance / Custodial Services:  From our Director of Facilities, John O'Neill: "The Maintenance and Custodian teams have demonstrated a great deal of dedication, hard work, and flexibility ensuring the Captain Albert Stevens School students were able to attend in-person classes.  Splitting the school up between the CASS school and the Farmers Market to ensure both locations were clean and safe was a tall task."

Tri-Town Ames and Gladys Weymouth Elementary Schools - From Principal Smail: "Routines are in place, and teaching and learning are taking place in all settings. PAW Pride abounds! The Tri-Town students are demonstrating cooperation, positivity, responsibility, and grit throughout the day.  Each student is an amazing individual who has so much to offer! In second grade, they are learning about and trying restorative circles.  What an amazing experience to honor each child's words.  MANY Monarch butterflies have been released from Weymouth and Ames School! Some from Ames have also been tagged and entered into the Monarch Watch Tagging System (  

This past week we received a donation from the Neighborhood House in Belfast; backpacks provided by Veracity Chapel in Morrill were delivered filled with school supplies. Many thanks!"



Nursing: This week, RSU 71 Nurses received a generous donation from the Waldo County YMCA to support our district food cupboard.  A huge thank you to the YMCA and our community members for your ongoing support.  We live in a fantastic community and truly value your partnership.

Another community partnership our district has is with our area healthcare teams. This week we hosted our area Walgreens pharmacy team and offered flu vaccines to over 175 staff members.

RSU 71 Emergency Response Plan - Please click the blue link below to see the district's Emergency Response Plan template. Each school has its specifics but follows this outline:

That's it for this week.  This message will be sent to all families, staff, the school board, and community partners and posted on our district website. The next update will be on Friday, October 1. Please feel free to contact our nurses, administrators, and me with questions, concerns, ideas, and suggestions.

With warm wishes for a great week ahead, 

Mary Alice

Mary Alice McLean
Superintendent of Schools, RSU 71
(207) 338 - 1960

Friday, September 17, 2021

Friday Update - September 17, 2021

Friday, September 17, 2021

Dear RSU 71 Students, Families, Staff, School Board and Community Partners,

It has been another great week in RSU 71.

Pandemic Update

Survey - Due to the continued high level of COVID cases in Waldo County, RSU 71 is surveying families to determine what families have (or don't have) broadband connections. Please help us by completing this survey and letting us know if you would benefit from a hotspot: 2021-22 Broadband and Hotspot Survey.

Pooled Testing - Information for parents and guardians is now on the district website at this link:

We hope to begin pooled testing on Monday, September 27.

COVID-19 Data (Number of New Cases, Number in Quarantine, Percentage of Staff Vaccinated)

Staff, kindly get your vaccination cards to your school nurse so that our percentages of staff vaccinated will be accurate. You can scan these to nurses rather than bring in the vaccination card if that is easier. 

In addition, we would appreciate it if any staff or students who have tested positive  COVID-19 at any time in the past would please share this information with your school nurse.

As of yesterday, we know that more than 76% of our staff members in RSU 71 have been immunized against COVID-19, and our fabulous team of school nurses is still receiving vaccination cards. 

The data points below reflect the number of new cases since last Friday's update, the number of people in quarantine, and the percentage of staff vaccinated in each school. THMS is officially in "outbreak status" due to the four positive cases resulting from community transmission.

Quarantine Unnecessary - There are over 5O individuals that do NOT have to quarantine because of universal masking protocols in our RSU 71 COVID-19 Prevention Plan and the layered mitigation strategies in place. The plan is working well, and keeping our students, staff, and families safe,

# positives

# quarantined

% staff vaccinated



4 from outside of school contact








2 from outside of school contact




5 quarantine - 2 outside of school contact




1 from outside 

5 symptomatic



In outbreak status - 4

4 in school + 4 from outside







Good News and Information

Kermit Nickerson - Sara Hallam from FoodCorp planted seeds in our new raised beds, and you should see what has come up so far!  Lettuce, radishes, beets, turnip, carrots are thriving, and we are having fun learning about some new vegetables that are new to us.  

Captain Albert Stevens -  Congratulations to CASS 5th grader Eliot Fowler for another published article in the Republican Journal:

Update on Water Damage at CASS - Staff and students relocated to the United Farmers Market due to roofers' tarps that blew off in the fierce wind and rain of a recent storm will return to school at CASS on Tuesday. Today is our last day at the United Farmers Market.

Troy Howard Middle School - The THMS Open House is scheduled for Tuesday, September 21, 5:00 - 6:30 pm. This year's Open House will take place outside in front of the building.  

The THMS field hockey team of 28 players went to Oceanside for their first game. Unfortunately, Oceanside only had seven players.  Oceanside's coaches wrote to thank us for such a wonderful and supportive team.   "I am full of feelings of positivity and gratitude…. THMS field hockey team came with smiles and a willingness to embrace our players..." stated OMS Coach Andrea and Coach Weaver echoed that sentiment.  We are so proud of the girls for their leadership and being adaptable to an unusual season.  

Belfast Area High School  - The BAHS Open House has been canceled for Monday, September 20, and will be rescheduled. FAME (the Finance Authority of Maine) will still be hosting an informational session for senior parents at 6:00 pm at BAHS on Monday, 9/20/21. The Senior Chili Cookoff Challenge scheduled for that night has also been moved to a date to be announced in October.

Professional Development -  During the early release Friday, K-12 teachers participated in NWEA (Northwest Evaluation Association) training last week.  This year Maine has adopted this assessment format for all students in grades 2-8 and 11. As a district, we have adopted it for all of our K-12 students.  The data from this 3 X yearly assessment will be valuable to students, teachers, and families to plot growth for each student and as a way for teachers to identify and plan the next steps in their instruction.  The fall assessment in reading, language usage (related to reading and writing), and math will occur in October.  Please reach out to your student's teacher for more information. 

Special Services - Staff is receiving updated training from the Dept. of Education on IEP writing. 


That's it for this week. This message will be emailed to staff and the school board and Robo-sent to all families.  We'll send the next Friday update on September 24. In the meantime, please feel free to be in touch with our administrators, school nurses, and me with questions, suggestions, ideas, and feedback.


With warm wishes for a happy weekend -- the last of the summer of 2021 - and a healthy week ahead, 



-Mary Alice

Mary Alice McLean
Superintendent of Schools, RSU 71
(207) 338 - 1960

Friday, September 10, 2021

Friday Update - Septmber 10, 2021

Friday, September 10, 2021

Dear RSU 71 Students, Families, Staff, School Board and Community Partners,

It has been a good week in RSU 71!

Pandemic Update

Pooled -Testing - The school nurse team is putting the final touches on an RSU 71 Pooled Testing Website, which should be up and running by day's end on Monday. The site will include a letter to parents, a pooled testing consent form, FAQ (frequently asked questions), a video of how pooled testing works, a calendar of test dates, and other information about pooled testing. 

COVID-19 Vaccination - Beginning this week, the Department of Education is collecting information about the vaccination rates of staff members, which appears to be the majority of staff, with the lowest site over 50% and the highest percentage so far at 86%. Many staff have been vaccinated but have not yet brought in their vaccination cards, so these percentages will be higher as time goes on.

This week's Pandemic Data as of Friday, September 10 at 9:00 am:


Nickerson - There were no cases of COVID-19 this week, and no individuals are in quarantine.


East - There were no positive cases this week; five individuals are in quarantine.

Ames - Six individuals are in quarantine from all out-of-school exposures; there were no positive cases this week.


Weymouth - Three individuals are in quarantine due to out-of-school exposure; there were no new cases this week.


CASS & United Farmers Market - Two individuals are in quarantine from a close contact outside of school.


THMS - Two individuals who were in quarantine from exposures before school began have tested positive, and five individuals are in quarantine related to that exposure.


 BAHS & BCOPE - There were zero cases of COVID-19 this week; two individuals are in quarantine.


Bus Garage - There were no cases of COVID-19 this week, and one individual is in quarantine. 


Adult Education - There were no cases; there is no one in quarantine.


Central Office - There were no positive cases this week; no one is in quarantine.

Good News and Information

Captain Albert Stevens (CASS) - Many heartfelt thanks and kudos to CASS students, families, staff, and community partners for turning adversity into a positive experience! Principal Widmer writes: "What a week! I think I speak for most of us, students, teachers, support staff, when I say that this has been the most unusual start of a school year. (Although last year was pretty strange too!) CASS proper experienced a small school environment with fewer than one hundred students on the first floor, while ServePro deconstructed significant second-floor sections. On the second day of school, an accidental dust release next to a fire detector set off the fire alarm before teachers had much chance to talk about fire procedures with their students. With all these differences, students at CASS adapted and did a fine job getting the new routines down. 

The same can be said for the Adventure School at United Farmers Market. Teachers and students have made a triumphant effort to learn outside the box that is UFM. We appreciate the participation of community partners who helped make it possible. Groups of students left for short periods to go to the UU church to do learning organized by Chrissy Fowler and Belfast Flying Shoes, leaving more space for students back at UFM. Staff and students could be heard singing, "This Little Light of Mine, I'm going to Let it Shine."Mr. Hoffman said today that it would be difficult to return to CASS due to the students' response to adventure learning. His class had visiting teachers from 4-H, leading them to explore seaweed; next week, they'll explore seaweed exploration at the seashore.

We've realized that what works while we are down here can be woven into what we do when we are back at CASS. 

And if you're wondering what learning at the bay looks like, here is a photo."


Belfast Area High School (BAHS) 

  • Congratulations to BAHS senior Jonah Lovejoy!

  • Glass Blowing class starts next week at Waterfall Arts for six seniors.

  • Ninety-Two at WCTC!! We have a record high of 92 students at Waldo County Technical Center, grades 9-12, excellent news for our community. Many students learn skills that translate into future jobs in fields with a critical shortage of skilled workers. 

  • Twenty junior and senior Peer Leaders have volunteered to be escorts/assistants to Nancy Brown's Art classes over the next few weeks to help walk younger students back and forth from United Farmers Market to WaterFall Arts. They are giving up a study hall and lunch one day a week.

  • Forty-five students are actively remediating 1- 3 credits during the school day that would generally require students to retake an entire course, thanks to hiring the new interventionist, Krystal Gamage.

  • Homecoming is back in a big way this year! We will be hosting games/events on October 7th, 8th, and 9th to celebrate our athletes this fall. 


Troy Howard Middle School (THMS


  • Troy Howard Middle School advisories are off to a great start. Advisors are getting to know students, and students are getting to know their teachers and peers by participating in challenges and holding community circles.

  • Thanks to our Garden Program and the amazing TLC classroom for setting up our new free fruit and veggies distribution! And thanks to Veggies For All, Hope Orchard, and Johnny's seeds for the donations.

  • Check out our Facebook page for a great video of making fresh SALSA VERDE from the garden in Spanish class this week. For everyone who wanted the recipe: tomatillos, onions, garlic, jalapeños - broil on a baking sheet- blend with cilantro, salt, and fresh lime.

  • Our Librarian, Miss Joy, has been able to get all of our boxed-up books unpacked after a summer flooring project.  She is still tidying up, but books are out on the shelves and ready to be checked out! Our library is looking clean and bright with new tile replacing well-used carpeting.

  • 🎶  Don't Stop Believin' 🎶  We're excited to have music back in our building! All students have music in their schedule one day a week, and we're working to identify band students and make sure they have instruments. Mr. Wainer and Mr. Munson will be working collaboratively to jump-start chorus and band safely!



That's it for this week. This message will be emailed to staff and the school board and Robo-sent to all families.  We'll send the next Friday update on September 17. In the meantime, please feel free to be in touch with our administrators, school nurses, and me with questions, suggestions, ideas, and feedback.


Yours truly, 



Mary Alice

Mary Alice McLean
Superintendent of Schools, RSU 71
(207) 338 - 1960