Dear RSU # 71 Students, Families, Staff and School Board,
In-Person and Remote Learning - Well, we are closing in on our fourth week of in-person instruction, which continues to go well, with all K-8 schools engaged in "Green" in-person instruction. High school students are still in the "Yellow" version of our plan, with students alternating between in-person and remote instruction. Leaves are turning gold and red and orange and we've enjoyed some cooler days with that wonderful fall air we are known for in New England. Almost all the fall sports are in play at both the middle and high schools with students enjoying football, soccer, field hockey, golf, and cross-country. At the high school level, many competitions are being planned following MPA/CDC/DOE Guidelines and Requirements: 10 in field hockey, 7 in flag/touch football, 12 in soccer, 5 in golf, and 6 in cross-country. High school students are rehearsing for the fall musical, Rock of Ages, which will open on October 16 at 3:00 pm, outside of the central office. Remote Learning is also in full swing and going well. I will send out more details about remote learning in my next weekly update.
Health and Safety Protocols - Students and Staff are continuing to be great about wearing masks all the time, keeping social distance, and practicing hand hygiene. We need to regularly remind students to stay at least 3 feet apart and when we do they quickly and respectfully comply. Day-by-day I am hoping and praying that we can continue to stay in school. Many thanks to our parents, grandparents, and guardians for continuing to be cheerleaders for our students, and for reminding them that it is through carefully adhering to all the health and safety requirements that we will be able to stay in school in person and help keep everyone safe and healthy.
RSU # 71 Task Force Addressing DEI and Racism Through Education and Action - Sixteen of us have convened and begun working together on important issues around diversity, equity, inclusion, and racism. It is a fabulous group comprised of parents, teachers, administrators, counselors, and community members. I will keep everyone updated on the work of this group throughout the year and will soon be sending a survey out to everyone in our RSU # 71 community to learn more about the subjects and issues you would like to be sure our group addresses.
In the meantime warm wishes for a happy autumn season! As always, please feel free to be in touch with me and with the members of our awesome administrative team, with questions, feedback, ideas, and concerns.
Best regards, -Mary Alice